Horseback Riding: Supplements for a Healthy Horse

Horseback Riding: Supplements for a Healthy Horse

Horseback riding is a fun activity, and there are people all around the world who genuinely enjoy riding horses. Either you own a horse, or you go to different horse stables, you can try horse riding. Horse riding can be taken as both a hobby and a competition. There are several tips that can help you in excelling your horseback riding skills. Once you know the basic principles of how to ride a horse, you will be able to ride the horse confidently.

The horse is your partner

You can only enjoy horseback riding if you think of your horse as your partner and not as a tool or vehicle. Try to observe the body language of your horse, what it stares at and how it reacts to certain things. Get to know how a horse works, what it likes and what it doesn’t like.

You are the leader

Horses are best known for sniffing out fear so if they feel that you are scared of them, then two things can happen; either they will get scared, or they will take advantage of your situation and make you fear them more. However, it is vital for a rider not to be scared of their horse as they tend to look up to their riders to keep them safe. Thus, try to build trust between your horse and lead them for the better.

Keep rewarding your horse

You will notice a big change in your horse’s behavior and mood once you start giving him rewards. Horses feel appreciated when they are given rewards. It can be a gentle rub on the back or something to eat. Just make them feel loved and happy, and they will keep obeying your orders.

Relax and Enjoy

The most essential thing that you can do to have fun while riding a horse is by relaxing. If you will be nervous the whole time, then there is no way that you are going to enjoy. Don’t fear the horse and try to lead him. Keep a healthy and loving relationship with your horse, and you will notice that he will never cause you any trouble.

Why do horses need supplements?

A big mistake that many riders do is not take proper care of the health of their horses which causes them to behave poorly with the riders and not perform good. Therefore, if you want your horse to perform better, then you will have to take care of his health. This can only happen if the horse is eating supplements. Supplements are known for aiding horses when they get injured, and it also improves their athletic performance.

Best Supplements for a Healthy Horse

When it comes to feeding your horse with the best supplements to him/her healthy, you can always trust a website called as they are known for providing a wide range of supplements for horses. If you want your horse to be in good condition, then you need to feed him ChondroPower™, Quick Training™, Stop Two® and Stop 20 AM&PM™. ChondroPowerTM is known for improving the joints and muscles of horses as it has a unique formula. Stop 20 AM&PM™ can boost your animal’s metabolism which will help in keeping him active all the time. Stop Two® can lessen the horse’s bleeding if he is injured badly. You also feed your horse Quick Training supplement as it removes muscle fatigue.

Quick Training™

Quick Training

Presentation: 200ml bottle

Price: $85.00
U.S. and Canada Pricing. For International Prices, please Contact Us.

Quick Training™ is a prime quality enhancer of the organic functions. It works primarily in the circulatory system as well as the respiratory and locomotive functions.

Stop 20 AM&PM®

Stop 20 AM/PM

Presentation: 200ml bottle

Price: $170.00
U.S. and Canada Pricing. For International Prices, please Contact Us.

Stop 20 AM&PM™ is a carefully developed product designed to reduce the incidence and severity of Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH), commonly known as Bleeding, in performance horses.

ChondroPower 3000®

Chondropower 3000

Presentation: 200ml bottle

Price: $60.00
U.S. and Canada Pricing. For International Prices, please Contact Us.

ChondroPower 3000® is a chondroprotective unique formula that helps reduce cartilage degeneration and promote normal healthy joints by increasing the synthesis of synovial fluids to enhance athletic horse’s performance.